Soil Mechanics & foundations
Scientific Rank Professor
Professors - Geotechnical Engineering Dep Faculty Of Civil Engineering
hD in Technical Sciences from Leningrad Construction University with a specialization in soil mechanics and foundations
Lecturer in the Department of Geotechnical Engineering - Faculty of Civil Engineering - Tishreen University
Assistant Professor, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Tishreen University
Professor in the Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tishreen University
Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Tishreen University in Lattakia, teaching Several courses for the Department of Geotechnical Engineering, in addition to teaching the course of Tunnels and Underground Structures to diploma students. 1988 present -
- Scientific research: - A scientific research entitled Reversible Deformations of Clay Soils and Their Impact on Structures The results of the research were presented at the Soil Mechanics Conference in Leningrad. -A research titled Flow Deformations of Clay Soils; its results were presented at the Geotechnics Conference on the Volga. - Research entitled "Soil Reinforcement"، published in the Scientific Journal، Saint Petersburg, 2005. A research entitled “Suggesting a method for determining the compressive thickness in homogeneous layers and comparing it with known methods and codes” published in the Tishreen University Journal in 2003. A research entitled "Experimental study to evaluate the flow deformations of the soil after removing the load from it" in partnership with Prof. Pronin F. n. from Saint Petersburg University in the Russian Federation
Authored the following books: - Design of tunnels and Underground Structures. -Implementation of tunnels and Underground Structures. - Soil mechanics -2-. - Principles of Geotechnical Engineering -2-.
Participation in many committees within the framework of developing curricula for the first university level, and committees for auditing studies.
Engineer at the Syrian Company for Roads. 1981-1982
Project Manager of Tartous Lattakia Railway 1982-1984
Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Tishreen University. 2003-2000
Studying, supervising and auditing many geotechnical engineering projects. 1993 present -