Computer Architecture(Computer Architecture)
Scientific Rank Teacher
Professors - Department of Computer Systems and Networks Faculty of Informatics Engineering
BSc in Informatics Engineering - Computer Systems and Networks Engineering Specialty.
MSc in Informatics Engineering - Computer Systems and Networks Engineering Specialty – Computer Architecture Specialty.
PhD in Informatics Engineering - Computer Systems and Networks Engineering Specialty – Computer Architecture Specialty.
Practical Section (Operating System 1-2, Distributed Systems)
Practical Section (Computer Architecture 1-2)
Practical Section (Network Management) Theoretical Section (Real Time Systems)
Practical Section (Network Management) Theoretical Section (Network Protocols, Real Time Systems)
Theoretical Section (Network Protocols, Real Time Systems)
Theoretical Section (Parallel Programming, Network Protocols)
Theoretical Section (Parallel Programming, Network Protocols)
Theoretical Section(Computer Architecture 1,2 Real Time Systems Parallel Programming)
Studying and implementing the network and service information system in IEF, provided with dynamic platform to host BSc, MSc, PhD students’ projects, and use these projects to support the system and the development process.
Two IT projects’ ideas participation in UNDP JumpStart. These ideas have accepted to earn the fund, and implement the projects.