Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Scientific Rank Teacher
Professors - Psychological counseling department Faculty of Education
PHD in Education, Measurement and Evaluation in Education, University of Toulouse Le Mirail, France
Diploma in French Studies (D.E.F), University of Toulouse Le Mirail, France
Master's degree in Education, Measurement and Evaluation in Education, University of Toulouse Le Mirail, France
License of education, General Pedagogy
Advances Statistics, Research Master, Faculty of Education, Tishreen University
Lecturer in courses (Educational techniques, Introduction to Kindergarten, Development of scientific concepts), open education system, Faculty of Education, Tishreen University
Lecturer in courses ( measurement and evaluation, Psychological measurement (1), Psychological measurement (2), Faculty of Education, Tishreen University.
Lecturer in courses ( measurement and evaluation, Evaluation and diagnosis, Psychological measurement(1), Psychological measurement (2), Faculty of Education, Damascus University
Teaching Assistant at the faculty of Education, Measurement and Evaluation Departmen, Damascus University
Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Measurement and Evaluation Department, Damascus University
Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Measurement and Evaluation in Education, psychological Guidance Department, Tishreen University
Participant in conference of the European association for the development of evaluation methods in Education (ADMEE-EUROPE(, University of Paris 5, January
Participant in conference of the European association for the development of evaluation methods in Education(ADMEE-EUROPE), university of Luxembourg, January
Participant in conference of the European association international of Education, Formation and profession Practices, Paris, July
Participant in conference of the European association for the development of evaluation methods in Education (ADMEE-EUROPE), university d'été, France, Orleans
National workshop on curriculum Requirements according to standards,Faculty of Education, Damascus university
Workshop entitled Measurement and Evaluation according to the standards and curriculum developed, Center of Measurement and Evaluation in Education, Damascus
Participant in Conference of the University d'été, Reflective and Self – Evaluation Practices as professional Development Tools in Higher Education, University of Balamand in collaboration with the association for the development of Evaluation Methods in Education, Beirut
مشاركة في المؤتمر الدولي للتطوير التربوي، دمشق
The reality of using methods of evaluation for learning in the light of modern developed curricula, Vol (42), N° (2), Tishreen University Journal for research and Scientific studies
The degree of using methods of evaluation of learning for science teachers in the light of modern developed curricula, Vol (42) Journal of al Baath univrsity