Engineer Norah Adnan Nizam

Engineer Norah Adnan Nizam

Geotechnical Engineering

Scientific Rank Assistant Teacher

CV File


Teaching Assistant - Geotechnical Engineering Dep Faculty Of Civil Engineering

Certificates en


Master's degree/Civil Engineering/Department of Geotechnical Engineering in Soil Improvement from Tishreen University, with excellence, and a degree of 94.44%.


Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering with a specialization in Geotechnical Engineering from Tishreen University, with excellence, and a degree of 86.2%.

Academic Experiences en


Teaching the practical part of the following courses at Tishreen University - Faculty of Architecture: -Geometric Engineering (descriptive drawing) / first year - Theories of Structural frames / third year


Teaching the practical part of the following courses at Tishreen University - Faculty of Applied Engineering: -Algorithms - C++ Programming Language / Second Year -Machine theory / second year -Refrigeration equipment/3rd year 2015-2017


Teaching the practical part of the following courses at Tishreen University - Faculty of Civil Engineering: - Principles of Geotechnical Engineering (1,2) / third year، civil engineering students -Soil Mechanics (1) / Fourth Year Geotechnics students - Foundation Engineering (2) / fourth year Geotechnics students - Numerical Methods (2) / Fifth Year Geotechnics students 2017 -present


Teaching the practical part of the following courses at Tishreen University - Faculty of Civil Engineering: - Foundation Engineering (1) / fourth year، civil engineering students 2020 -present


Published articles: [1]R Ousta, N Nizam "دراسة مخبرية لتقنية الأعمدة البحصية بملاط كلسي في التحسين العميق للترب الانتفاخية‎" Tishreen University Journal-Engineering Sciences Series, 43 (2) ,2021 [2] N Nizam, R Ousta "A STUDY OF LIMEGRAVEL COLUMNS METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE PROPERTIES OF EXPANSIVE SOILS" Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii, 21-27, 2021. [3] Norah, Nizam | and | Rami, Ousta "EFFECT OF LIME MORTAR GRAVEL COLUMNS TECHNIQUE ON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EXPANSIVE SOILS" American Journal of innovative Research & Applied Sciences 11 (8), 50-54, 2020.


Research conference: participating in the 19th edition of the research conference in construction, construction economics, architecture, urbanism and territorial development, having as theme: THE EFFECT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE FIELD OF URBANISM, OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION: CRISIS OR OPPORTUNITY?

Professional Experiences en


Member of the Syrian Computer Society. 2014 -present


Teacher Assistant at the faculty of civil engineering- Tishreen university. 2017 -present


Participation in some laboratory geotechnical studies for engineering projects.

Scientific Publications

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