Knowledge base systems and data mining
Scientific Rank Intern Teacher
Professors - Department of Artificial Intelligence Faculty of Informatics Engineering
Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics Tishreen Univ
Diploma in Computer Engineering and Automatic Control Tishreen Univ
degree of MSc. of computer engineering, Tishreen Univ
New Certificate
Lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Tishreen University
Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Engineering, Tishreen University
Lecturer at the Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Tishreen University
Engineer in computer center in Tishreen university
Teacher at computer engineering department, Tishreen University
Supervisor of works in the Department of Computer and Control Engineering Automation, Tishreen University.
Lecturer at Artificial intelligent department, in Informatic engineering faculty, Tishreen University.