Financial and Monetary Economy
Scientific Rank Assistant Professor
Professors - New Department Faculty of Economics
Doctorate Degree in Economics, Finance and International Affairs, University of the Mediterranean, Aix-Marseille II, France
Advanced Studies Diploma, University of the Mediterranean, Aix-Marseille II, France
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics, Tishreen University
BA in Economics and Planning, Tishreen University
Teaching the following courses: -In Undergraduate degree : (Finance International, Financial and Banking Legislation, Public Budgets Management, Financial and Monetary Economy) -In Postgraduate degree: (International Finance) -At Al-Manara University (year 2017-2018): Macroeconomics -Preparatory course at the National Institute of Public Administration (Financial Economics, Tax Legislation, Money and Banking)
Assistant Professor, Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Economics, Tishreen University
Head of Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Economics, Tishreen University
Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Tishreen University
Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics and Planning, Faculty of Economics, Tishreen University.
Supervising a number of master's theses and participating in supervising a number of doctoral theses
Member of jury for a number of MA and PhD dissertations in the Faculty of Economics
Publishing of a Book (Public Budgets Management)
Publishing of research papers in local, foreign and international journals: - "Testing the Random Walk Behavior in the Damascus Securities Exchange Using Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks", Asian Economic and Financial Review, 7 (8), 2017. -"Testing the PPP Using Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks: Evidence from Politically Unstable Arab Countries", with Zeina Al-Ahmad, International Journal of Business, Economics and Management ,3(12), 2016. -"Economic Shocks and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime: The Case of Syria" with Alaa Khzam, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics,Vol 129, 2015. -"Studying the Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in a Sample of Arab Countries" with Zeina Al-Ahmad, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol, 126, 2014. Arabic articles: - "The Impact of Firm Characteristics on the Volatility of the Damascus Stock Exchange Index during the Period 2010-2016", with Zeina AL-Ahmad and Aalaa Salman, Tartous University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, 4(8), 2020. -"The Impact of Financial Openness on Economic Growth in Syria during the Period (1980-2010)",with Basel Zainab, Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, 2017. - "The Motives and Challenges of Applying the Basel II Accord in Operating Conventional Banks in Syria", with Ali Hatem, Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, 38(3), 2016. - "Studying the Relationship between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Syria (1980-2010)", with Roaa Shaker, Al-Baath University Journal (38), 2016. - "The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on the Economic Growth in Syria (1985-2010)", with Boran Ismail, Al-Baath University Journal (37), 2015. - "The Structural Characteristics of the Syrian Economy and their role in Choosing the Optimal Exchange Rate Regime", with Alaa Khzam, Al-Baath University Journal (37), 2015.
Participation in conferences, seminars and workshops: - Participation in the first annual conference of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences - Al-Sham Private University, 15-16 April 2018: Research title :"Testing the Purchasing Power Parity in presence of structural breaks: evidence from Syria" - Participation in the workshop (scientific research activities in the Faculty of Economics) - Faculty of Economics - Tishreen University - 2016/2017. - Participation in a scientific symposium at the Faculty of Economics at Tishreen University on 05/27/2013 regarding the Syrian crisis and its repercussions The title of the presented working paper: "The Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy in Syria: Challenges of the Crisis". - Participation in the second European-African conference, Tunis, 2008