pre-clinical and clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics
Scientific Rank Teacher
Professors - Dep Of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology Faculty Of Pharmacy
New academic degree: University of Paris-South-11 Ph.D. Specialization: Clinical Pharmacy (6002-6010) Master: Pre-clinical, Clinical, and Pharmacokinetic Pharmacology (6002-6002)
A new academic certificate, University of Damascus Diploma: Specialization in Industrial Pharmacy (6001-6006)
Tishreen Academic Certificate Bachelor’s Degree: in Pharmacy (6001-1992 .)
New Academic Experience 8100-8102: Teaching Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics Course 0 - Year Five and Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics Course 8 - Year Five
New academic experience Teaching biopharmaceuticals and drug pharmacokinetics - fourth year
New academic experience: Paris-South University - 00 - Faculty of Pharmacy - Clinical Pharmacy Laboratory (EA2706)
New academic experience: PhD preparation Subject: Study of interactions between cyclooxygenase inhibitors and intestinal gp-P in the context of intestinal diseases (colorectal cancer - inflammatory bowel diseases) 8112 - 8101: Participation in teaching the practical part of the clinical pharmacy course for fifth-year students of pharmacy
New Academic Experience: Research Scenario: 2 months (during the second year of the Masters) Subject: Study of interactions between cyclooxygenase inhibitors and enteric gp-P First class Master’s – Honorable Mention Award winner
New academic experience: Research stage: 2 months (during the first year of the Masters) Subject: pharmacokinetic study of digoxin in normal and mdr1-deficient mice
New academic experience: Antoine Hospital Claire - Paris Stag Vocational training - 6 months in a biochemistry laboratory
New academic experience: 8118 Damascus University - Faculty of Pharmacy participating in teaching the practical part of the industrial pharmacy course for third year students 8110 - 8118 Pharmaceutical laboratory (Tamico) - Damascus Vocational training - two months: preparing some pharmaceutical forms 8110 - 8118 - Al-Assad Hospital - Damascus Vocational training A month in the medical laboratories
New scientific experience 2 - 8181 Al-Sham Private University - Lattakia Branch - College of Pharmacy 8102 - 8181: Teaching the course 0 and the 8
New scientific experience 1 - 8102 Tishreen University - Faculty of Pharmacy 8101 - 8102: Teaching clinical pharmacy and hospital pharmacy - fifth year and biopharmacy and drug kinetics - fourth year
New scientific experience: 8100 - 8102: Participation in teaching the pharmaceutical operations course - Master's degree in drug design and control
New scientific experience: 8102-8102: Participation in teaching a clinical biochemistry course - Master's degree in laboratory diagnosis
New scientific experience: 8102-8106: Participation in teaching the biochemical pharmacology course - Master’s degree in the effects of drugs
New scientific experience: 8102-8102: Participation in teaching the biopharmaceutical course - master's degree in industrial pharmacy
New scientific experience 8102 - 8102: Supervising a master's student with specializations