Fish Production
Scientific Rank Professor
Professors - Marine Biology Department Higher Institute for Marine Research
Professors - Fisheries Department Higher Institute for Marine Research
Master Program Teacher - Mariculture and marine living resources
Ph.D. In Fish production: Glasgow University, Grand Britain
-Post-Doctorate Fellow Flinders University of South Australia – Australia
Teaching the course of fish biology and physiology / in English / M.Sc. in mariculture and management of living resources - Higher Institute of Marine Research
Teaching the course of culture and production of marine organisms/ M.Sc. in mariculture and management of living resources - Higher Institute of Marine Research
Teaching the course of fish biology and other Nekton/in English/M.Sc. of Marine Biology - Higher Institute of Marine Research
Teaching meteorology course: Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport / Arab League/ Department of Maritime Navigation - in English
Teaching Marine Physics Course: Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport/ Arab League/Department of Maritime Navigation - in English
Teaching the course of general zoology (invertebrates + vertebrates), Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University
Teaching Animal Biology Course, Faculty of Medicine, Tishreen University
Teaching ichthyology course, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University
Teaching ichthyology course, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University
Teaching the Biodiversity Conservation Course: The Arab Technical Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (Arab League)
Teaching the Basics of Biodiversity Course: The Arab Technical Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (Arab League)
Teaching the course of current status of biodiversity: The Arab Technical Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (Arab League).
Teaching the course of Fishing and Hunting Skills: The Arab Technical Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (Arab League)
Teaching Fish Production Course (Advanced) - Postgraduate Diploma, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University
Teaching the course of fish production and farming, Agricultural Institute of Tishreen University
Teaching the Aquatic Environment and Pollution Course (Advanced) - Postgraduate Diploma, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University
Co-author of the general zoology book (the theoretical part). Tishreen University Publications
Co-author of the general zoology book (practical part). Tishreen University Publications
Co-author of the Atlas of Biodiversity in the Syrian Arab Republic: Marine Fishes Section (Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs)
Co-author of the book "The Practical Guide to Feeding Some Species of Freshwater Fishes (Carp, Tilapia, Trout, Catfish) and Marine fishes (Sea Bass, Sea bream, Mullet)
Supervising the works related to the atlas "Fishes in the Orontes River". Publications of the General Authority for Scientific Agricultural Research and the Al-Gab Research Center
Member of the Board of the General Authority for Fisheries Resources in Syria
Providing scientific expertise and advices to public and private sectors in the field of fish and other organisms farming and production
Attending a training course on the management and conservation of natural resources in the Mediterranean Sea, International Oceanic Institute, Malta (10 weeks)
Attending a training course in the field of organizing sustainable fishing and managing biological stocks in marine reserves: Turkey-Kash.
President of Tishreen University
Chairman of the Open Learning Committee at the Higher Education Council
Chairman of the Professional Practice Committee at the Higher Education Council
Chairman of the Student Admission Committee at the Higher Education Council
Chairman of the Student Exchange Committee at the Higher Education Council
Dean of the Higher Institute of Marine Research at Tishreen University
Head of the Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University
Head of the Scientific Research Unit in the Field of Environment and Marine Sciences, Higher Institute of Marine Research, Tishreen University
UNDP National Expert on Climate Change, Initial National Communication to the UNFCCC Secretariat
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Convention for the Protection of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Areas - ACCOBAMS - Monaco
Vice President of the Islamic Countries Network for Ocean Science and Technology INOC, COMSTECH
National Representative to the General Scientific Committee of the Network of Islamic Countries for Ocean Sciences and Technology, INOC
National Representative to the International Committee for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean, CIESM - Monaco
Member of the Syrian National Committee for Oceanography - International Oceanographic Organization /IOC/
National expert at the General Authority for Fisheries to study the status of fishing with Purse nets
Member of the Specialized Scientific Advisory Committee, in the field of environment, at the Higher Commission for Scientific Research - Damascus
Member of the Scientific Committee to prepare the initial draft for the establishment of a research center of excellence for disaster risk management
Chairman of the Scientific Research Strategy preparation Committee at the General Authority for Fisheries
National Coordinator of the Mediterranean Network Project for Evaluating and Upgrading the Efficiency of Marine Monitoring and Forecasting Activities in the Region, MAMA (European Union Funding)
Expert at the Regional Activity Center for Specially Protection Areas (RAC/SPA) to develop the management plan for Al-Basit-Umm Al-Taior Marine Protected Area (Syria): MedMPA Project
Expert at the Regional Activity Center for Specially Protection Areas (RAC/SPA) regarding the preparation of the national strategy and action plan for the protection of biodiversity in the sea and on the coast: SAP-BIO Project.
National expert of the Mediterranean Action Plan UNEP/MAP regarding the study of the national diagnostic analysis of the impact of pollutants on the components of the marine and coastal ecosystems. National Diagnostic Analysis, NDA.
National expert at the Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas RAC/SPA to develop the projects and national action plans for marine biodiversity conservation: SAP-BIO Project.
National expert at the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development regarding the development of projects and national action plans for legislation and policies related to fisheries.
Member of the Syrian Advisory Committee for formulating the strategy for improving the aquatic farming in the Arab world (MED/RAB).
Head of the Syrian National Committee to Monitor the Status and Trend of Pollutants on the Syrian Coast – Med. Pol. Program. Phase III- UNEP/MAP
Member of the Syrian Technical Committee for the strategy and action plan project of the protection of biodiversity in the Syrian Arab Republic (GEF funding and UNDP implementation)
National expert for the project of the complementary activities to the national strategy and action plan to protect the components of marine biodiversity in Syria (GEF + UNDP).
Member of the preparation and drafting committee for the national strategy and action plan for the protection of biodiversity in the Syrian Arab Republic (GEF funding and UNDP implementation).
Expert and Director of the Fisheries Development Project in the Syrian Coast at the Unemployment Combating Authority- Syria
Member of the committee to study the investment costs of the marine fishing project and the development of the Syrian marine fisheries resources and the development of its services
Member of the Supreme Council of Aquatic Life in Syria
Member of the National Committee for Studying and Determining the Fishing Seasons of Marine Fishes
Member of the National Committee to discuss the status of the General establishment of Fisheries and the its investment conditions
Member of the National Committee for the Study of Fish Stock in the Syrian Coast and Ways of Sustainable Exploitation.
Member of the National Committee for Determining the Number of Fishing Boats and Fishing Control Requirements.
Member of the National Committee for the preparation of studies, statistics and proposals related to the conservation of freshwater aquatic life, the development of its resources and their sustainable uses.
Academic Supervisor of the course of Biology / National Center for Distinguished - Excellence and Creativity Authority
Coordinator of the Syrian Olympiad for Biology / National Center for Distinguished