Informatics and Programming
Scientific Rank Teacher
Professors - Department of Artificial Intelligence Faculty of Informatics Engineering
Master Program Teacher - Master in Artificial Intelligence
Bachelor of Mathematical Science, Major: informatics
Diploma of Postgraduate Studies in: informatics
Master degree in informatics
PhD Degree in informatics and programming
Teacher at Faculty of informatics Engineering Tishreen University
Teacher at Faculty of Marine Engineering Tishreen University
Teacher at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tishreen University
Teacher at Institute of statistical technology –Latakia
Teacher at Faculty of sciences Tishreen University
Teacher at Faculty of medicine Tishreen University
Teacher, Institute of statistical technology –Latakia
Charge d'affaires Associate, Faculty of Information Engineering, Tishreen University
Charge d'affaires, Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Tishreen University
Lecturer, Department of artificial intelligence, Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Tishreen University
Supervisor d'affaires, Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Tishreen University
Head of the Artificial Intelligence Department, , Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Tishreen University