Department Description

First: The vision of the program of the Animal Production Department:

The program provides scientific and practical experience in the field of animal production through attention to animal genetic resources and genetic improvement in line with sustainable agricultural development and national priorities, as well as securing fodder resources for livestock and successful management of herds. And the application of modern technologies in the field of animal production in order to develop production in terms of quantity and quality, preserve the health of animals and poultry, and develop professional performance through continuous education and scientific research, in order to develop and serve the community.

Second: The program message of the Animal Production Department:

  The mission of the animal production program aims to prepare agricultural engineers specialized in the field of animal production and provide them with modern scientific knowledge that will enable them to contribute effectively to the development of animal production in the country in terms of quantity and quality. It also aims to monitor the reality of animal production in the country and search for appropriate solutions to the problems faced by this sector through scientific, applied and basic research. It also aims to transfer and localize modern knowledge in the field of ruminants, poultry and fish in order to serve development in line with the reality in the country. It also aims to spread the spirit of teamwork, respect for work values, take responsibility and take the initiative, which will positively affect animal production.

Third: Objectives of the Animal Production Department Program:

The Animal Production Program at the Faculty of Agriculture at Tishreen University aims to:

1. Providing general knowledge of scientific methods for raising and caring for agricultural animals and providing the appropriate conditions for obtaining the best production.

2. Providing knowledge about scientific methods for feeding agricultural animals and poultry, optimal use of fodder, preservation of natural resources and optimal use of them in line with the principle of sustainable development and non-depletion.

3. Applying modern technologies in the field of genetic improvement to address problems related to animal production.

4. Implementing prevention programs to protect animals and poultry from diseases and finding appropriate solutions to treat them.

5. Preserving fish stocks in fresh and salt water, improving production and preserving biodiversity in different aquatic systems.

6. Understand the importance and role of the agricultural engineer in developing the animal production sector, in terms of quantity and quality, in line with community service.

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