Department Description

Mission, Vision and Goals

Mission of the Department:

Arabic Language has contributed significantly to the development of human civilization, while most local languages have only been useful in everyday communication and have not been able to hold the seeds of civilization or even deliver some of its products, i.e. arts, science, and knowledge.

Arabic language has established itself as one of the world's main living languages, and has been used by many people and nations for about fifteen centuries. As a language, Arabic has been up to the challenges imposed by the ever-developing language of science, knowledge and civilization. It has evolved from a language of one nation into a language of several nations that seeks to save its identity and develop it at the same time. For learners of Arabic, it is the language of intellect and culture.

Vision and Goals:


We teach our Arabic language in order to:

Ø  introduce the learners of Arabic language to its culture, civilization forms of knowledge;

Ø  teach the Arabic language: vocabulary, structure, etc.;

Ø  use up-to-date methods and technologies for a better teaching of Arabic and its rules;

Ø  teach non-native learners of Arabic dialogue and proper articulation;

Ø  use formal Arabic in teaching;

Ø  include topics in the books intended for teaching Arabic to non-native learners on Arab intellectuals, writers, poets, scientists to highlight the role Arabs in human civilization.


Ø  Running courses for non-native learners depends on their availability.  

Ø  Duration of the course is determined by the learner's needs.

Ø  Courses are of different levels.

Ø  On campus accommodation is available with modest fees.





Arabic Language for Non-native Speakers published in Damascus


A Collection of Lecture Notes on conversation


A Collection of Texts on CDs


Field trips related to the topics studied

Papers Required for Registration of Foreign Students:

Ø  Copy of passport.

Ø  Entry visa issued by the Syrian Embassy in the applicant's country.

Ø  Two months' notice to facilitate procedure.

Teaching Staff Members

 Dalia Mufied Asaad

Dr. Dalia Mufied Asaad

Professors Methods of Teaching Arabic for Non- native speakers

Teaching Assistant Staff Members


Master Programs

PhD Programs

Contact Faculty

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