MSc Environmental Protection
To continue studying and succeed in all first-year courses according to the exact specialization required for each specialization
1- The student is considered successful in the course if he/she obtains 60% of the final mark, and the student is not allowed to sit for the theoretical part of the course exam until after obtaining at least 40% in the practical part of the course.
2- The topics of each of the courses mentioned in item (1) mentioned above shall be determined by a decision of the Institute Council based on the proposal of the concerned department council.
3- The final score for the course exam consists of two parts, one of which is for year work, and 40% of the grade is allocated to it, and the other is for the final exam, and 60% of the grade is allocated to it.
A student who failed in the first year has the right to re-study the courses in which he failed for a period of one year, and in the event of failing any of the courses he is dismissed from the master's degree
A- To prepare a research after his success in all first-year courses in a subject approved by the University Council based on the proposal of the Department Council and the approval of the Institute Council, provided that the research preparation period is not less than one year from the date of the University Council’s approval of the registration of the research subject.
b- To submit the results of his research a letter that will be accepted by the judging committee after a public discussion.
Bachelor's degree in environmental sciences
Bachelor's degree in life sciences
Bachelor's degree in agricultural engineering
Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy
Bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Electrical Power Department - Mechanical Power Department)
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Engineering
Bachelor's degree in Geography
Bachelor's degree in Radiation Protection.