With the participation of 45 teams...the launch of the university programming competition in its 13th edition

With the participation of 45 teams...the launch of the university programming competition in its 13th edition

Under the patronage of the University President, the 13th edition of the university programming competition was launched today with the participation of 45 teams, including 41 from Tishreen University and 4 teams from Tartous University, in the presence of Dr. Bassam Hassan, President of the University, Dr. George Asir, Head of the Higher Education Branch Office, Head of the Student Union Branch, Tariq Alia, and the Vice President of the University. For scientific research affairs, Dr. Muhammad Nasser, and Dean of Informatics, Dr. Ahmed Ahmed and architecture Dr. Tariq Barakat.

The competition, in which 135 students participate, is held in the Central Library and lasts 5 hours. After the 45 teams qualify after passing the tests that took place yesterday, Monday, and after the results of the local competitions are announced today, the competition will be held at the level of Syrian universities at Al-Yath University later, where the winning teams qualify to participate in the competition. Arab and regional.

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