Researcher Sanah Gabriel Muslim defended her PhD thesis, submitted for the Doctorate degree, at the Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, titled:
An analysis of the content of the sixth-grade science curriculum in terms of health awareness requirements and its availability to students: A field study in schools of Lattakia Governorate.
Supervision: Dr. Manal Sultan
Co-supervisor: Dr. Samar Youssef
Presented Before the examining committee composed of the following members:
· Dr. Anwar Hamidoush: Professor in the Department of Child Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Latakia, specializing in (Teaching Methods of Education), Member
· Dr. Raghda Nasour: Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods at the Faculty of Education, University of Latakia, specializing in (Teaching Methods of Mathematics), Member
· Dr. Manal Sultan: Professor in the Department of Child Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Latakia, specializing in (Health Education), Member and Supervisor
· Dr. Somer Barghol: Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods at the Faculty of Education, Member
The researcher was awarded an distinction grade with a score of 93.4.