Marine Zoobenthos
Scientific Rank Professor
Professors - Marine Biology Department Higher Institute for Marine Research
Master Program Teacher - MSc marine biology
Bachelor of Natural Sciences (Biochemical Sciences Division)
Diploma in aquatic environment
Master Aquatic Environment
PhD in aquatic environment
Biology OF Zoobenthos
Production and breeding of fish and benthos
Marine Biotechnology
Production and breeding of marine organisms
Marine Resources and Living Resources Management
Living marine stocks and sustainable development
Marine environment and pollution
Biology of mollusks and crustaceans
Member of the National Committee for Marine and Ocean Sciences
Teaching assistant at the Higher Institute for Marine Research
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Head of Department of Marine Biology and Fisheries
Vice Dean of the Higher Institute for Marine Research
Member of the Marine Biology Department Council
Member of the Council of the Higher Institute of Marine Research
Member of the Scientific Research Council at Tishreen University
Member of the Scientific Affairs Council at Tishreen University
Member of the National Committee for Oil Pollution Damage Assessment