
Believing in the importance of scientific research as one of the most important pillars of the development of societies, a measure of their progress and scientific and academic advancement, and an important factor in the development of production due to its direct connection with development plans, Tishreen University was keen to give this subject utmost importance in all respects, and it worked to secure its requirements of tools, devices and cadres. Many central laboratories equipped with the latest tools, and research groups were formed to follow up the implementation and development of research plans with the support and sponsorship of the political leadership in the Syrian Arab Republic, especially in recent years, as scientific research has become a top priority, and this was evident in the conclusion of many agreements with many institutions and universities with The scientific, academic and applied nature of local, Arab and foreign, and the pursuit is still relentless to upgrade scientific research at Tishreen University to its highest levels.


Follow-up and audit matters of registration, termination, extension and suspension of research submitted by faculty members in the university’s faculties in preparation for presenting it to the Scientific Affairs Council - reviewing progress reports on the completion of registered research (whether for faculty members or postgraduate students) and checking the extent to which the stages of implementation of each research are consistent with the plan And the goals approved by the university councils. - Tracking scientific research matters in cooperation with the university presidency in terms of conducting arbitration correspondence and preparing the necessary contracts with the gentlemen researchers from the faculty and technical staff at the university - Preparing the annual report for scientific research at the university - Automating the information contained in the decisions of the university council in terms of the name of the researcher, the participants and the college The title of the research, decision number and date of the University Council, in addition to documenting any modification that occurs to the research, and electronic archiving of a program for registered and completed research. - Coordinating with the directorates of scientific research in the universities of the country, in order to exchange titles of registered research and postgraduate theses, with the aim of avoiding repetition of the same research topics.Organizing the management of collecting and storing data and information related to scientific research, dispatching faculty members, and automatic (electronic) documentation of information, research work, and postgraduate theses. Carrying out the regular periodic follow-up of the implementation of the scientific research plans approved in the meetings of the University Council. - Communicating with the beneficiaries to identify the problems that require the intervention of scientific research and correspondence with the beneficiaries - Statement of opinion on the records of preliminary and final seminars to register and finish scientific research and postgraduate theses, and give recommendations in this regard before presenting them to the Scientific Research Council - Statement of opinion on the interim and final reports of scientific research carried out by By faculty members or by graduate students regarding their compliance with the decisions of university councils and their commitment to the research plans approved by those councils - providing the Directorate of Scientific Research in the Ministry of Higher Education with hard and electronic copies of periodic and non-periodic reports related to scientific research and postgraduate studies and the delegations of faculty members in Tishreen University - Any other tasks and specializations assigned to it by the university presidency


 If you are injured as a result of being in this study, please contact Principal Investigator, Dr. Amanda G. Madden, at telephone (404) 385-1473. Neither the Principal Investigator nor Georgia Institute of Technology has made provision for payment of costs associated with any injury resulting from participation in this study

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