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Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry

Administrative Staff

Vision & Mission


a. To become one of the distinguished colleges with an excellent reputation in medical education, scientific research and health care at the regional and international levels.

b. Excellence, integrity, justice and transparency in education, scientific research and health care.

c. Commitment to the individual's right to the best health care, protection of privacy, and understanding and respect for the diversity of society.

d. Building and supporting sustainable partnerships with educational hospitals, the health system and various local and international health sectors with the aim of improving the health status of the Syrian community in particular, and the regional and international community in general.

e. Continuous self-assessment of performance of, and respect for, scientific, academic, ethical and legal principles in education, scientific research and health care.

f. Commitment to creating an environment that supports the excellence and creativity of students, professors and all health workers for life.

g. Work to promote, maintain and restore health within the national health care system at all levels.

h. Working in a team to meet the needs of patients with high quality clinical performance that is responsible, ethical and considers the individual within his family and community.

i. The ability to demonstrate the required professionalism in dealing with patients, colleagues and other medical professions, including the necessary communication skills.

j. Ability to follow the rules of medical ethics.

k. Ability to critically evaluate medical practice.

l. Ability to progress in postgraduate studies and research work.

m. Capacity for self-development and lifelong learning.

the message

The College of Dentistry in public universities seeks to excel in training and qualifying students during undergraduate and graduate studies according to high-quality professional and ethical standards, preparing dentists capable of practicing the patient-centered profession, promoting health and continuous learning, conducting research and contributing to the advancement of science and human knowledge, Through a supportive learning environment, using appropriate teaching and learning methods within the university and in various clinical and community settings, and in strategic cooperation with local sectors and international bodies working in the same fields.

The Dean 's Word

Dear students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Tishreen University,

I welcome you to the Faculty of Dentistry - the distinguished faculty in all its aspects, hoping that you will contribute through your diligence and your keenness to acquire theoretical knowledge and clinical skills in the excellence of this faculty. This is what its graduates have proven, as they excelled and excelled in the fields of work both internally and externally, both at the professional and ethical levels. I invite you to consider the College of Dentistry your second home, and the administration your second family. I also invite you to actively participate with student bodies in all activities and events aimed at pushing the College of Dentistry forward for the better. I wish you a successful study trip crowned with a distinguished graduation of doctors who are reliable to serve the community and contribute to raising its health level.

With my best wishes for success.
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahab Nour Allah

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