Department Description

Ali Esmail

Ali Esmail

Department Manager

The Department of Computer Systems and Networks seeks to graduate qualified engineers by qualifying students and providing them with a high level of knowledge in the field of information systems from operating systems and distributed systems, and in the field of information networks through the study of networks of all kinds from narrow to wide ones and studying Its protocols, in addition to wireless networks of all kinds, so that the student will then learn how to design those networks and then how to manage them, taking into account the achievement of a high level of various protection services.

Teaching Staff Members

Ahmad Saker Ahmad

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Saker Ahmad

Professors PHD in Digital information transfer systems
Radwan Dandeh

Prof. Dr. Radwan Dandeh

Professors PHD in Electronic communication
Talal Alaateky

Dr. Talal Alaateky

Professors PHD in Microwave engineering
Ahmad Mahmoud Ahmad

Dr. Ahmad Mahmoud Ahmad

Professors Computer Networks Protocols
Inas Anas Laila

Dr. Inas Anas Laila

Professors Computer networks Modeling & Simulation
Hiba Ameen Haider

Dr. Hiba Ameen Haider

Professors Embedded Systems
 Rony Rabie Kassam

Dr. Rony Rabie Kassam

Professors Computer Architecture(Computer Architecture)
Manhal Taher Jaafar

Dr. Manhal Taher Jaafar

Professors Computer systems and networks engineering
Fadi Ghassan Ibrahim

Dr. Fadi Ghassan Ibrahim

Professors System Analysis and Design (Informatics and communication)

Teaching Assistant Staff Members

Rama Alkhier

Engineer Rama Alkhier

Teaching Assistant Computer systems and networks engineering
Raneem Abbas Sino

Engineer Raneem Abbas Sino

Teaching Assistant Computer Networks and Systems Engineering
Husam Abdallah Mzreb

Engineer Husam Abdallah Mzreb

Teaching Assistant Informatics Engineering/Computer Networks & Systems
Batoul Zahi Hmaydi

Engineer Batoul Zahi Hmaydi

Teaching Assistant Computer Systems and Networking Engineer
Khawlah Ali Qasim

Engineer Khawlah Ali Qasim

Teaching Assistant Networks and System Engineer
Fatimah Mohamad Zakariya Al Debes

Engineer Fatimah Mohamad Zakariya Al Debes

Teaching Assistant Networks and System Engineer


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