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Faculty of Literature and Humanities
Faculty of Literature and Humanities

Administrative Staff

Vision & Mission

The Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences at Tishreen University aspires to occupy a prominent scientific position among its counterparts in the universities of the country, based on the application of quality standards of education and scientific research, to bring its graduates to a high level of scientific and intellectual development, and scientific research, which leads to supplying the society and the labor market with graduates Distinguished, able to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the national economy, and the values ​​upon which the college is based in its vision are:

Quality and excellence, teamwork and cooperation, science and literature, efficiency and commitment, awareness and culture.

The Dean 's Word

The Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences: one of the faculties of Tishreen University, looking forward to occupying a distinguished scientific position among its counterparts in the universities of the country, based on the application of quality standards of education and scientific research. To reach its graduates to a high level of scientific and intellectual development, and scientific research, which leads to supplying the society and the labor market with distinguished graduates, who are able to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the national economy. The values ​​on which the college is based in its vision are: quality and excellence, teamwork and cooperation, science and literature, competence and commitment, knowledge, awareness and culture. The Faculty of Arts seeks to raise the scientific and academic level of its graduates, and to support its cultural and social stock by following programs that ensure the development of the higher education sector, and the application of quality standards in the academic and administrative fields through the available infrastructure and requirements for the educational process, support for scientific research, and the relentless pursuit of Developing the teaching and administrative staff by following training courses,Contribute to building society and meet its needs. The study in the Faculty of Arts is divided into two stages: the undergraduate stage (the bachelor’s stage), and the duration of the study in it is four university years, on the basis of the two-semester system in one year, and the stage of postgraduate studies in Arts (-Masters-PhD), and the Faculty contains eight departments of Arts and human sciences, which are: (Department of Arabic Language, Department of English, Department of French, Department of History, Department of Geography, Department of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, Department of Libraries), as for the number of courses in the college in the first university study stage (bachelor stage) It reaches \412\ courses. And at the master's level (a year of courses) \ \ course. While the faculties of arts in the various Syrian universities are seen as a source of culture and enlightenment, the Faculty of Arts at Tishreen University plays an important role in terms of social, human, cultural and intellectual development in society.It will not be possible for it to play this important and vital role except through improving the quality of the services it provides, especially the improvement and development of study programs and courses, the development of research and studies, and the establishment of a mechanism to develop the college's activities in the field of community service and the development of culture, thought and awareness.

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